Choya Original Plum Wine 750ml
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Choya plum wine is produced to an original Japanese recipe by steeping green plums in shochu, which is typically distilled from barley or rice. The taste is pleasantly sweet, slightly floral and fruity. Perfect served chilled or as a plum wine spritzer.
A large bottle of umeshu plum wine. This umeshu plum wine has a sweet, fruity flavour without a strong alcoholic taste. 750ml bottle. 10% ABV, bottled in Germany.
How to use
This delicious drink is fantastic as either an aperitif or digestif.
• Drink straight, on the rocks or with champagne for a truly indulgent cocktail.
• Mix Ume Shu with lemonade or soda to make a ume sour.
• Add a splash to hot green tea to make a delicious winter warmer.
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