Kooksoondang Makgeolli Original Rice Wine 750ml
Makgeolli is an alcoholic drink made and mostly enjoyed in Korea. Made from a mixture of wheat and rice, is it sweet and milky with a clean and smooth taste. Classified and described as a 'sparkling rice wine.' Very traditional! Low alcohol (6%), serve chilled, and gently shake before drinking for better taste and richer flavour.
Guksundang Rice Makgeolli is made with the rice fermentation method. Rice, the most important material, is harvested within a year and made only from domestically produced rice. In addition, unlike the rice wine that was used to make and use Godubap by applying the raw rice fermentation method of Baekseju, it is characterised by minimising the destruction of nutrients generated during processing of rice and utilising the unique flavour and taste of Makgeolli rice wine.
Item Detail
SpecificationContent: Purified Water, Rice, Yeast, Wheat, Fructose, Food Acid, Acidity Regulator |